Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I feel GOod!

Well well well.. I touched down BWI.. to a very familiar sight... Mr Steve.. and his dry trying very hard to be funny sense of humour.. hehe.. took my very heavy backpack.. and my See's Candy bag.. all 69 pounds of it.. BUT man.. does it feels like home or wot.. That place sure is homely alright.. I got a new pillow.. yay! and lotsa potted plants arnd the room.. very nice.. very sweet.. thicker blankets.. and lotsa soil on the top bed. hahaha. Very nice..

Anna was dressed in sweet pink pjs.. sam was sam.. and isaac was asleep.. spent a very nice time talking to steve and suzanne.. it was good..


BrownSugar said...

I will seee you when u get back!!! I want my top!! ;)

Dupa Jasia said...

There was a current in this part of lipitor the pond and it turned the wagon downstream.. Oh, I am hydrocodone chilled to the bones! said Podington.. [9] The Duplicity of effexor Hargraves , the story by O.. Owing to the behavior of my double, or, if insulin you please, to that public pressure which compelled me to employ him, I have plenty of leisure to write this communication.. But I must have it, otherwise we must forgo the interpretation of soma the dream...