Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Day 26 & 27 - My first Regatta

Mood: Normal.. Tired..

- Junior Olympics
- The Twins

Well.. it is what we have been waiting for.. its the Junior Olympics.. the biggest event.. and we only have 2 weeks to train for.. and i've to train kids that can't sail for nuts to race.. sigh.. Anyway.. Eileen came and pick up at 520 in the morning... i din hear her car pull up.. she was knocking at the door.. oh wella.. i finished up on my cereals.. We got to the sailing centre.. there was some problem with hooking up the trollies.. Alex's mum was there to pull the big trolly.. while we got the powerboat one.. Got to Belair where the kids are supposed to be waiting for us.. but apparently.. they got tired of waiting for us and they went on to the regatta by themself.. Eileen was kicking up a big fuss about that.. oh well.. normal.. she ain't in a very admirable mood dat that.. but then again.. when is she ever? she got a fuse this short " " see it? nope? there.. point.. haha.. i'm mean today.. anyway.. we got there.. do up the boat.... the kids liked the wind indicators that Steve and I made.. so dats coool.. was going abt trying to get their sails set right.. got it down.. got it set for Eileen to go out with the red white blue fleet.. and I will stay with the green fleet.. Tom Coleman is the guy who is giving the talk to the Green Fleet. He is named 'Mr Optimist' just cos he is so involved in Optimist.. he is the optimist national coach.. and he works for Mclaughlin.. one of the best boat builder right now.. for optimist.. oh well.. i beg to differ on that one.. Eileen thinks they are the best.. i mean.. they are good.. but not the best.. its the sailor that make the boat look good..

ANyway.. the race started finally.. Veronica did well generally.. but she made some big mistakes that costs her the race.. she got 1st in the 2nd race thou.. she got 3rd overall.. Rebecca did 7th. Chris got 11th.. Ross did pretty decently i felt.. at least he din cry. haha.. Anyway.. over on the red white blue fleet.. Alex, Andrew and Melissa din do very well.. Eileen was kinda disappointed by their performances... but frankly..i'm not surprised.. Judging from their standards.. its surprising how Eileen can imagine them doing pretty well and how they could actually beat the CBOt team.. but thank god.. this experience have restored alittle of my faith in America's sailing prowess.. haha.. I'm sure the top few kids in singapore will beat them flat.. but.. then again.. they only train during the summer... or at least most of them do..

To be continued....

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