Saturday, June 23, 2007

Oh well.. It always seems I have to do catch up with my blog... and the worse thing is... I can't remember where I left off the last time.. and now I have new things to write, and I'm too lazy to click on another button to get the page on another page, if any of that makes any sense to any of you.... hmm..

In short, Christina got me to the Maddox's. It was all good.. everybody's pretty much how I remembered them.... Anna's away for horse riding camp... Sam's got a car from his uncle, its a really cool vehicle I tell you. Anna supposedly got alot taller than before... and Issac, is taller and more talkative. I did some shoots of Issac, n I think I should be able to pitch him as a child model, and I have lotsa pics, but I think i'll split them up in to sections for a more chewable bite size piece meal..

Issac in mono

We did the Big boat race on wednesday nite... went out, took some pictures, some of them I feel are front page worthy.... you shall have to decide for yourself... I think we came in first, I would like to think I contributed to the winning by calling out some tactics.. but of course not in the most diplomatic way I would say... cos at one point.. Steve went.. So who shall I listen to? I have 4 people telling me different things! I'm thinking.. er... me? Cos I think i'll beat any of these guys easy? keke.. just kidding.. but if you remember.. they made me tactician my last visit... and there was this one race... when I got them to tack more than they usually do, cos they believe that the boat's heavy and don't do very well tacking, and they actually crossed tack with a J24 that is always miles ahead of them at the 1st windward mark, I had the skipper's jaw dropping. But anyway... we won.. that's all it matters.. and sometimes, I dun do things by reasoning.. its just instinctive! Oh well... just me and watching my language again...

Here's Steve, he is me BOSS, look fierce aye? Ok la... He tries to be funny....

Then come thursday nite.... where we have the small boats race... They have managed to merge the monday nites and thursday nites together, and have it at the sailing club, rather than going to middle river, which is quite a hassle. So its all good.. only thing is... there was a few fronts coming thru.. reports of 30 to 40 knots wind... and they sorta waited till 1830, and talked themselves out of it.. o well.. the only good thing abt it is, I managed to rekindle my friendship with Lindsey and we went for crab cakes after, with the Fahrmeier's, less Jules, she's down at ocean city working for the summer. GOod on her!

Friday came and Steve had gotten us an appointment to get finger printed and paper work processed. So Sam took me down, cos Steve have to go up to NYC to teach sailing at a college there, Sam drove me there in his red Scout, it was a lil scary, cos its a big vehicle, and its alil airy cos its quite open, and he tend to follow abit too close for my liking, I had a really bad feeling when I was going there... So, we ended up in Townson, the policeman told us they only do fingerprinting on thurs and sat, 10-6, I'm like. what? we had an appointment!! He went, we don't do appointment, come back again. !_(@%!_#)$!@ and it was done, we found out later that we got the wrong place, bugger, some miscommunication... Anyway.. we were later on the way back.. when we got into a car accident. Yes.. tell me abt it.. It seems that everytime I come back to America, I have to get into a frigging car accident! This time round, it wasn't so bad, I saw this hideous pink Saturn coming down the street, and next thing we knew, she turned out infront of us! I was like "SHIT" thinking.. what the hell.. again??? I din had the feeling of death this time, like I haven't done alot of stuff in life and stuff like that this time, but it was like. WAH LAN... Anyway... none of us got really hurt.. We had like almost the whole fire department down... 4 police car, 1 unmarked car, 3 different fire engines.. and yeah.. it was quite a sight, a fire truck passed us first, he stopped and he radioed for help, and again, its blerdy fast. Then came a police car, then the big fire engine, and people running out looking real important. ANYBODY HURT? YOU need to go to the hospital? Do you need to go to the hospital??? checking the cars, and cos Sam's radiator blew out, it had green spew all over, he saw it and went "We've got a bleeder!!!" I'm like.. Ok... Nice.. bleed away... So.. meanwhile, since it is a 1 lane road, we have traffic backed up all the way, and with a few police cars and fire engines blocking up the whole road, not caring if they are actually blocking and there's actually room on the side to park so that the traffic can still go on, they just continue standing arnd looking important, fussing over the girl... duh..... I guess the people are just used to stuff like that.. and I spoke to the officer later and he said, well, this is a bad intersection, it always happens. I'm like. ok. DO SOMETHING ABT IT YOU DODOs!!!! Like, since you know it! put some blerdy warning of some sort!

Here's Sam, pondering, and the girl in the background making calls, that's basically our damage, and her's what the fireman calls a "Perfect T-Bone". How nice of them..
Check out the no. of people arnd her, and that white fur and that roll bar in that car.Nice boots...
So Sam's grandma came to pick us up, the officer Leard was kind enuff to offer us a ride to civilization.. I met Chance, her 7 month old grandson, and he is a sweetie, but he will look at me, i'll count to 3 in my heart, and he will start crying.... then he'll stop, decide that he wanna check me out again, 1..2..3... WAIL!!!!!! man...I think I have the word "SCARY" written all over my face.
This is Chance

Anyway, I got christina to come pick us up and go on down to the sailing centre for Teen Sailing nite! It's awesome, plenty of pizza to eat. ahhhahah... and we had fun sailing. It was good. Christina sailed most of the time.

Saturday, I got my finger printing done, it cost 10 bucks. Its ridiculous. I could have done it myself. More pics of Issac, only this time in the poool..... and right now..... I'm waiting for Suzanne and Sam to come back with the truck that I'm suppose to get for the summer.. its a 1988 Toyota truck, I shall see how beat up it is. heh...

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